How to get added to our WhatsApp broadcasts

We are using WhatsApp broadcasting feature to send out updates, as we make them, instantly. We urge you to join.

It’s much easier and faster than sending out emails – it’ll also help keep inboxes clearer.

To get added to our list:

  1. Download WhatsApp if you haven’t already done so :
  2. Send us a WhatsApp message to 07860039927 – saying you want to be added to the broadcast list or use this quick link :,%20please%20add%20me%20to%20your%20WhatsApp%20broadcast%20
  3. Add this number (07860039927) to your contacts – this is important, if you don’t do this step, you won’t get messages. This is WhatsApps way of preventing spam messages
  4. How to add a contact: iPhone / Android
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